By EOY 2025, will the model with the lowest perplexity on Common Crawl will not be based on transformers?
Ṁ3701Dec 31
If perplexity on Common Crawl is not available for models, I will use other benchmarks as a surrogate. This will inherently be a judgement process. If a model has not been announced by EOY 2025 and no benchmarks have been posted publicly, it will not be counted for the purpose of this market.
"Based on transformers" for the purpose of this question will be anything with multi-headed self-attention that feeds into an MLP.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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@ConnorMcCormick oh yeah that's definitely confusing people. We'll, better for us who do understand it :)
@jacksonpolack The API only refreshes the data every 15 seconds, so if you're quick on the draw, it's totally doable.
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