Will geometric complexity theory solve P vs NP?
Dec 31

Resolves to YES if it is solved by 2080 by someone employing methods from GCT

Else resolves NO

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In this other market, HMYS issued a controversial resolution, then hid critical comments and offered to pay for positive reviews. You should perhaps consider that when deciding whether to put your mana in this market. https://manifold.markets/hmys/will-scott-win-the-book-review-cont?r=RGFuaWVsRmlsYW4


@DanielFilan I resolved it correctly, as I have all my other markets. People review bombed my markets because they lost money after trying to snipe the market on a technicality at the end. I asked people to review the market positively to correct for the people down-rating it out of spite.

For those who are unaware. The market was a book review contest hosted by Scott Alexander. A bunch of people would write reviews of books, then the readers of ACX would vote on those reviews, and the review that got the most number of votes would win. Scott himself entered the contest anonymously. I made a market on whether he would win. He did end up winning and getting the most votes. But he disqualified himself because he thought it would be improper for him to win his own contest. I decided to resolve the market YES, as what people were thinking about when reading the market for most of its existence was whether he would get the most votes.

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