Will the Fertility Crisis be solved by Fertility Technology ( Artificial Wombs, Embryo Selection, Robot Nannies etc.)
"Solved" as defined by developed countries with below-replacement fertility (e.g. China, U.S. , Japan etc. ) returning to replacement levels of fertility (or exceeding) due to uses of the aforementioned fertility-enhancing technologies
Examples of such technologies include:
Synthetic Gametogenesis
Artificial Wombs
Embryo Selection
Robot Nannies
Fertility Enhancing Drugs
IVF , Freezing of Sperm & Eggs
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@ProjectVictory Do you mean that lower birthrates are not a bad thing or do you disagree that birth rates have dropped at all?
1. I'm not entirely convinced that birth rates dropped due to biological, not social reasons.
Currently, underpopulation is not a problem worldwide.
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