Last price: 2025-Jan-08 $242.70 (week high $247.33)
(will try to update meaningful moves after Nasdaq close)
Resolves after the first week (Monday 9:30am to Friday 4pm ET) since market creation (2024-Dec-28) during which the price stays above $260 (YES) or below $250 (NO) for the whole week. In other words, the first time one of these is the case after Friday's close:
Resolves YES if AAPL weekly low > $260
Resolves NO if AAPL weekly high < $250
Will extend closing date as needed. Reference is publicly-quoted weekly high/low, adjusted for any future stock splits (e.g. if it splits 2:1 at $250 then quoted prices next day would be $125 post split but would not cause it to resolve NO since reference price for this market would be x2).
Kinda obvious but the idea behind the 1-week requirement is to gauge a more solid support/resistance level, rather than the usual but fleeting moments of "will it hit x by z".
I believe this should make it a bit more interesting, producing more stable prices, and perhaps even reveal some actionable info for real money markets, as opposed to the reverse: stock prices completely informing the predictions here.
But we need traders making real directional predictions for all that, otherwise it'll just be a newstrade on Thursdays/Fridays, and I guess there's plenty of that already.