Will there be video evidence strongly implying that Joe Biden regrets dropping out of the presidential race, before the end of his term?
Some things that would make this resolve YES:
Biden says he would have won had he been the nominee
Biden says it was a mistake to drop out
If nothing like this comes out, resolves NO at the end of Biden's term.
Things that wouldn't count (not direct enough):
Biden says top Democrats shouldn't have put pressure on him to drop out
Biden says he wasn't too old to run
I will not bet here.
@traders Note that the description specifies video evidence is neccesary
Will there be video evidence strongly implying that Joe Biden regrets dropping out of the presidential race, before the end of his term?
I've edited the title to make this more clear
@Marnix is there some reason the ppst article linked to within the guardian one is so short? im not a subscriber but i tried 'free reading'. i dont even see a button to like 'read full story' or anything
@No_uh Do you have the popup "subscribe to the Washington Post" thing blocked or something? Wapo is just like that, i think - they freeze the article at the headline unless you subscribe
@Bart5f6d I agree, it is probably credible but the description specifies,
Will there be video evidence
Him whining to a staffer while sundowning, who then leaks it, is a different situation from him saying it on video. Therefore this can’t resolve yet.
It definitely increases the chance of him saying something like that in an interview or press conference though. This is good evidence that a motivated reporter can get it out of him on video if given the opportunity.
@bluerat She was part of the push to replace him. Obviously. She was the candidate all the Dems pushed for behind the scenes. Or, maybe you believe that she recused herself from one of the biggest political inflection points in modern US history.