Resolution criteria:
sustained human-to-human transmission is found on multiple continents
< 400,000 estimated global deaths within first 12 months after sustained human-to-human transmission is found on multiple continents [date of official publication]
Infection Fatality Rate* < 0.5%
< 400,000 serious disabilities**
serious disability rate per infection < 0.5%
*IFR = true mortality rate
**Serious disability: people losing 50% of their health, on scales such as WHODAS 2.0 or SF-36.
I will try to select credible sources for each claim. Unfortunately, neither meta-analysis nor CDC use good epidemiology for estimating long covid cases (they're overestimates - I say this as a long covid patient), although UK's Office of National Statistics had pretty decent methodology.
Reference points:
400k deaths is the estimated global amount for seasonal influenza,
Swine flu was estimated as 284,400 (range, 151,700 to 575,400) but a cursory look seems like that's a high estimate based on CFR rather than IFR. 10-25% of world population got infected during the pandemic phase
According to UK's [ONS]( about 0.4% of the UK population have long covid with a severity that limits their daily activity a lot
I no longer bet on any of my own questions
Update 2025-02-01 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): Additional Resolution Criterion:
Market will resolve as N/A if H5N1 does not achieve sustained human-to-human transmission on multiple continents by the closing date.
@EMcNeill I was thinking of keeping it open but yeah I guess it should N/A at some point if it never achieves that