Will Nvidia's share price break $200 in 2024?
resolved Jan 2

This market is trying to track real price change. If there is split or reverse split, the price will be treated as no split or reverse split happen.

Edited: On June 10th, this market will adjust to $200 to make comparison logic before split and after split match as mentioned above “no split happen”

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Already back up 6% after the dip in a single day. Get used to the volatility. Avg new price targets at $150-160, Rosenblatt maintains the bullish $200. https://www.investing.com/news/company-news/rosenblatt-maintains-buy-on-nvidia-reiterates-stock-target-93CH-3593569

Double Beat & $50B stock buyback

After market trading does not like the news.

Expectations need to get realistic. Rock solid report. People will adjust to the new pace.

Look forward to tomorrow.

I got popcorn 🤣

I guess we should clarify if only closing prices count or if intra day also counts.

bought Ṁ50 YES

Intra day also counts

Any kind of exchange error/glitch does not count then?


i hold this at less than 10% maybe less than 5% and i think if i thought about it longer, it would be even lower?

@CampbellHutcheson Correct. Nvidia would have to reach a market cap of about $5T. 60% or so more than the most valuable company in the history of the world.

It’s not gonna happen in 2024 for sure.

will you account for the 10-1 stock split?

@JoshYou Thx for reminding. I add a description about this market.

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