Does Death give life meaning? Should we seek to conquer death? Is there something beyond death?
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We ought to conquer death (digitize consciousness, replace body parts, miniaturize and slow time, etc). As always, we will open up new fields/dimensions of meaning, of WILLFUL, voluntarily-chosen meaning, less fettered by natural limits.
Death gives life meaning, and it must be this way, can only be this way, ought to be this way, is desirable this way.
Death gives life meaning. It is the most primordial, inescapable/evolved root of meaning, but we are free to overlay something else atop it. It will be difficult to find something to fully replaces it; but perhaps we can try
There is some conscious experience after death; death is only a transition. There is no use in meddling with death; the universe is set on its design, and we will change nothing
There is some conscious experience after death; death is only a transition. Those who meddle with death pretend at being gods, and only sickness and distorition will be their end.
Even life is meaningless: do therefore nothing, or do everything. In the words of Kierkegaard: "whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophy."
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